യൂണിയൻ ബാങ്ക് & റെലിഗയർ എന്റർപ്രൈസസ്സ് എന്നിവയുടെ സംയുക്ത സംരംഭം
നമ്മുടെ ജീവിതത്തിൽ അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായി ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന ഭീമമായ ചികിത്സ ചിലവുകൾക്ക് Basic Coverage 600% Increase
ആവുന്ന അതിനൂതന പദ്ധതി CARE SUPREME
1. Modern Technology Treatments (Robotic Surgeries, Oral Chemo- therapy, Stemcell Therapy etc.) No Sublimit.
2. Organ Donor Coverage – No Sublimit.
3. Ayush Treatment Up to S.I.
4. All types Rooms Available (Including Suite Room)
5. ICU Charges No Limit, Wellness Benefit (Discount on Renewal Premium)
6. Domiciliary Treatment 100%, Air Ambulance upto 5 Lakhs.
7. Ambulance Cover Below 15 Lac- 10,000 (yly), 15 lac- up to Sl.
8. Pre & Post Hospitalization 60 days & 180 days.
9. 24 hrs Hospitalization Required.
10. 541 Daycare Treatments, Accident Cases Next day Onwards (Excluding Ligment Fracture it will be covered after 2 years)
11. Initial Waiting Period 30 days.
12. 2 Year Waiting Period for named illness.
13. PED-4 year Waiting Period (Option for PED Waiver upto one year)
14. Instant Cover Policy – Diabetic, Cholesterol, B.P, Asthma (only 30 days waiting period).
15. Genetic Disorders Not Covered.
16. No TPA – Direct Company Claim Settlement.
17. Cumulative Bonus 50% X2 year – 100%.
18. Cumulative Bonus Super 100% x 5 Year 500%, Total increase in Coverage 600% (After 6 Years)
19. No Loss of Cumulative Bonus/Cumulative Bonus Super due to claims in a policy.
20. Unlimited Automatic Recharge (Without Waiting 45 days for same person & same disease)
21. 80D tax Benefit Self 25000, Parents 50000.
9562278702, 7012743849
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